ESAI featured on Country Calendar Epsiode
Great to be featured on this weeks Country Calendar episode which…

Award winners and a change at the top for ESAI!!
Members of the ESAI board and Tinaku team and their partners…

Be in to Win a $250 Hunting & Fishing Voucher!!
Complete Our Follow up Survey and Be in to Win a $250 Hunting…

Exciting Upcoming Event-Growing Your Farming Destiny
This event is a social get together for farmers and rural folk from…

Keen interest for intensive winter grazing workshop
The Lakeside Soldiers Memorial hall this week was once again…

Chainsaw courses huge hit with Gateway students and farmers
Ellesmere College Gateway students were beaming with excitement…

Workshop addresses new regulations around GHG emissions
The Tinaku team recently hosted a workshop on greenhouse gas…

ESAI members complete Growsafe course
Sixteen landowners, including members of Ellesmere Sustainable…

Valuable and Rewarding Day for Tamariki
Students from Leeston Consolidated School were treated to a fun…