Great feedback from Ellesmere A&P Show
Many of our members attended the Ellesmere A&P’s Selwyn Spring show back in October and you may have caught up with the Tinaku Project staff and ESAI board members at their tent.
The Tinaku Project shared our space with Pest Free Banks Peninsula and the Whakaora te Waikekewai Project to showcase all the great work that is happening in the area.
The complimentary tea and coffee and the colouring competition certainly helped to draw in the crowds and all those who took part reported that the day was a big success with lots of positive comments from the community and plenty of questions and sharing of information, which was the intention for the day. Over 50 people signed up to the ESAI newsletter at the event and free kowhai trees helped attract a new membership applications.
ESAI is keen to grow their membership base and involve as many farmers and landowners as possible in the Ellesmere Area, so please share any info with any of your neighbours who may be interested. If they want to become an ESAI member, they can download a application form on our website at the Join Us link.