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New Policy, Rules and Consents-ESAI is on the case!!

Written By Carey Barnett-ESAI Environmental Advisor

Remember the 2009-13 Rakaia Selwyn Water Take Consent Review?

We can feel your blood pressure rising with the mere mention.  Rest assured that ESAI is already working hard to ensure the heartache of that review is not replicated when you apply for your new water take and use, and, nutrient management consents which for many will likely be reaching expiry over the next 10 years. These will be NEW consents and not simply a roll over of what you have had.  Potentially, consents to farm or nutrient management consents may not be required if the Freshwater Farm Plan system is rolled out.  Make sure you set the ball rolling well before the expiry date with new consent applications needing to be lodged in compliance with the timeframes set in Sections 124 to 124C of the Resource Management Act 1991 (lodging new applications well before six months before your existing consent expires) so you can continue to use your existing consent while the new one is being processed.

As with all things, policy, rules and consents they have a life and/or an expiry.  ESAI is being proactive in working towards better outcomes for you and your primary production business as well as the environment as we head towards the creation of new regulation and consents.  The rise in the ESAI subscription to $300 plus GST per annum goes towards paying for the extremely important background work that the group does.  Here’s what we have been involved with to help make changes practical, workable, efficient and reach the desired environmental and primary production outcomes for all:

  • Meeting with the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment (PCE) and his team having reviewed receipt recommendations on the significant worth of catchment groups and the relevance of freshwater modelling. They were most receptive to the experiences of our group, ESAI’s work and the extensive on ground knowledge that farmers and locals have with respect to what actually happens on and under the ground.  The PCE wishes to keep in contact with ESAI and its work;
  • ESAI is directly notified each week by Environment Canterbury (ECan) as a potentially interested party on all relevant resource consent applications within the Canterbury region – this helps us keep an eye on any new activities that might affect groundwater and land uses.
  • ESAI is recognised as a contributing party under Clause 3 of Schedule 1 Consultation under the Resource Management Act 1991 with ECan allowing us feedback on statutory planning documents in their draft phase and before notification – a first right to respond and provide practical insight before formal phases take hold. ESAI has recently done this on the draft Proposed Regional Policy Statement and draft Proposed Plan Change Eight.
  • Submitting on Long Term Plans from ECan and the Selwyn District Council to help

    ESAI Committee met with MPI staff & Minister Patterson Feb 2024

    minimise consenting costs.

  • Liaising with Federated Farmers, Horticulture NZ, Central Plains Water Ltd, Eastern Plains Land User Group and other catchment groups on primary production issues and new regulation.
  • Regular meetings with local and national government MP’s and representatives to advocate on behalf of farmers.
  • Being part of the Canterbury Collective for Catchment Groups and attending catchment initiatives organised by ECan and NZ Landcare Trust.
  • Using data and initiatives undertaken throughout the Tinaku – Germinate Growth & Extension Project and the Integrated Farm Plans project to further inform Ellesmere’s physical characteristics and primary production activities.
  • Instigate and engage in meetings with regulatory authorities to express issues with consenting and farm environment plan experiences and how these might be managed in the future.
  • Building a respectful relationship with iwi relating to matters of interest within the Ellesmere / Te Waihora catchment.
  • Developing a catchment solutions package to help ensure future consenting meets the needs of primary producers, flexible operation and environmental expectations.


Your sustained commitment to ESAI is well worth the new $300 (plus GST) membership fee – for the value of money that you receive from ESAI being an advocate for and valuable representative of the local farming community in the Ellesmere area.

ESAI is recognised nationally, regionally and locally as one of NZ’s most respected catchment groups that has been serving its catchment for over 20 years.  The group has multitudes of requests to inform and present on many different levels and has a proud history of delivering honest, respected and insightful initiatives.

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