Do you want to understand your soil better and know how to maintain or improve your farm’s soil health?
Want to ask questions about your soil type or about management issues you face?
Ellesmere Sustainable Agriculture are hosting an afternoon workshop with Abie Horrocks, Environment Research Manager from the Foundation of Arable Research on Wednesday 24th August 3pm-5.30pm at Lakeside Soldiers Memorial Hall, hear Leeston.
Abie will be talking about soil quality and why it matters and discussing management techniques that can help improve your soil health including:
Avoiding bare soil
Minimising disturbance
Integrating livestock
Increasing plant biodiversity
Maximising below ground returns of organic matter & increasing biological soil fertility
All ESAI members and non-members are welcome.
Afternoon tea will be provided prior to start from 2:45pm
Please register your interest for this event with Elisabeth.tinaku@esai.co.nz or
Call/Text: 029 201 3562