Ellesmere farmers and the wider community have the opportunity to gain invaluable skills in chainsaw use, maintenance and health & safety in specialised courses organised by Ellesmere Sustainable Agriculture Inc in March.
The courses will vary between a one-day basic course and a two-day comprehensive course that will earn participants unit standards .
Our courses are offered to ESAI members free of charge or to the rest of the local community at a subsidised rate.
So why not become a member and get the benefit of this course and future courses for free?!
If you are interested in attending a chainsaw course or want more information or if you want to become a new member of ESAI get in touch with Jo Fearn on jo.tinaku@esai.co.nz or call 0210304783
Places for the courses are limited so be in quick to avoid disappointment.
The final dates will be confirmed in the coming weeks once number of participants has been confirmed.