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ESAI Support Southbridge School Bioblitz

ESAI was once again delighted to support Te Ara Kākāriki and the Kaimahi for Nature team in delivering an informative and engaging monitoring Bioblitz with Southbridge School students around the school grounds.
Four classes of students participated in the event which involved monitoring native birds using a 1 minute bird count. Discovering invertebrates by searching though vegetation and under rocks and logs. Gently shaking trees and observing what fell out onto a bed sheet and identifying native trees.
Students and teachers were thrilled to discover a thriving community of indigenous biodiversity within the school grounds especially the varied species of invertebrates which were gently captured, photographed and then released.
All observations were uploaded to iNaturalist, an online site where students can share what they have seen and learn about New Zealand’s flora and fauna.
Southbridge school teacher Simon Dakers said “the children were highly engaged the whole time and this has led to lots of children spending their break times heading out and exploring our nature areas” he continued that the Bioblitz “has really helped engage the children with their natural surroundings”.
Lou Drage and her knowledgeable and passionate team delivered a really rewarding day for the students and ESAI were grateful to be given another opportunity to support the education of tamariki in the Ellesmere area.


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