- Do you graze stock on crops in winter? If so the new winter grazing rules that start in November apply to you!!
- ECan staff will be there to answer your questions.
- Learn about the latest research from DairyNZ, nutritional information from PGG Wrightson and animal welfare considerations from MPI.
- Come and see what IWG alternatives you could try on your farm
ESAI are holding an informative and interactive workshop with the following guest speakers:
Dawn Dalley-Senior Scientist -Dairy NZ- talking about latest research on IWG and how it impacts animal behaviour and performance.
Penny Timmer-Arends-Senior Adviser Animal Welfare -MPI -Animal welfare considerations and requirements under Animal Welfare Act.
Deane Parker & Sue Cumberworth – Quorum Sense-Multi-species winter crops and bale grazing as winter grazing alternatives
This workshop is free and open to everyone to attend and includes a light lunch afterwards
email jo.tinaku@esai.co.nz or call 0210304783